

My granny told her friends that “ti-dan-tou” heals 72 diseases cum sickness.  Ti-Dan Tou is a tonic, vitalizing and healing herb.

It heals diseases / sickness such as – anaemia, high BP, high fever, cough, cold, fit, flu, diabetes, breathing problem, asthmatic, stroke, inflammation disease, cancer, hepatitis, stomach problem, cystitis, leucorrhoea, cystitis, urethritis, earache, toothache, liver disorder, spleen and pancreas problem.

Brew (7) plants with (7) red dates and a handful of goji seeds and water estimation – 7  to 10 cups water.  Avoid red dates if you have high BP. Put on stove to boil.  When water starts to bubble, reduce fire to low and further brew for 40 minutes.  Finally, add in organic brown sugar (optional) to taste.

True Story – I received a call from daughter of a friend.  Her voice was shaky and almost crying.  She said that her mother had very high fever and almost in fit!  She didn’t know what to do.  My friend was not able to speak properly and couldn’t recognize her home.  Armed with “Ti-Dan-Tou”, I rushed in a taxi.  I felt confidence that she would be alright after drinking my “decoction”.  Upon arrival, the Ti-Dan-Tou was immediately put to boil!  Then, using ice-cubes to put on the right point of her crown, under armpits and meridian points of her body.  Thanks, God!  She got back to her senses and able to speak and see things…and a little surprisingly shocked to see me!  Half an hour later, she drank few cups of the Ti-Dan-Tou, did a little guided “pranayama” and was able to sit up.  Oh, she was even able to see me at the door before I left.  Thank you to the Lord and my friend, for enabling me to experience such a beautiful holistic healing for a friend!  


Holistic Garden Healing

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